
½ + ½ = 1

We all explore different ways in order to find peace to the point of feeling relaxed. Some of us draw, others crochet, or even write but…have you ever tried rock balancing? A wonderful form of art for folks who have the time and patience to create it. Something that catches my eye in rock balancing is how rocks of different sizes and shapes can perfectly balance on top of one rock without falling.

Not even I can balance myself as well as these rocks can. I am amazed by the level of concentration and time a person invests into balancing rocks as a form of art. In my eyes, it seems like an impossible task to keep all the rocks together and balanced. However, doesn’t it also seem impossible that a group of people, with different backgrounds, from different families and places can believe in the same God? Especially when we have so many flaws. It seems as if we are defective rocks. Yet the work of art remains up without falling.  The key is the Foundation. The Rock at the bottom is the strongest one. The One that keeps us united and that keeps us from falling.

“My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold and my refuge; My savior, You save me from violence.” -2 Samuel 22:3

The Lord is holding us together as a whole. He is holding us together as one body. We must trust in the Lord, He will keep us united as a whole. You may notice that the balance of some rocks is strong because they are closer to the bottom, other rocks are weaker because they are closer to the top. However, they still remain together.

Whether you’re at the bottom, or at the top, remember that the Rock at your foundation is Jesus Christ. Even though at moments you may feel like you’re about to fall, The Foundation will keep you together. There’s no more need to search for perfect balance in our lives.

All you need to do is ask.

“I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.”- John 17:23


– Zaid

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