gitano identidad extranjero


My grandparents were foreigners. My parents were foreigners. I am a foreigner. My children will be foreigners. Gypsy runs in our blood.When you are a foreigner, your sense of identity can easily become blurry. There comes a point when your heart doesn’t know where home is anymore. Even worse, how to get there. You know that feeling you get when you finally get home after a long trip? Well, when you are a foreigner you rarely experience that feeling.

Where is “Home” for you?

“Home” to you becomes a synonym of temporary. In your mind, there is no connection between home and forever. You live with a constant lingering feeling of “not having arrived yet”. Guess what? this is exactly how you and I should feel.  In fact, 1 Peter 2:11 reminds us of our reality. Truth is, we all are foreigners in this life. We were not meant to live in a world of sin, we were not meant to be tied down to time and space the way we are. We were meant to be free. However, not the kind of “free” this world attempts to sell. Romans 12:2 clearly states that we are not to conform to the standards of this world.

The whole point of having a home is having a place where you feel comfortable. However, we are not called to be comfortable.We are called for more than that.  We are not called to assimilate the ideas of this world. On the contrary, we are called to get out of our comfort zone, and be different. Mathew 5:13-16

Then what?

No, we are not called to be hermits. We are called to be part of our society in order to make a positive difference. In John 17:15 we find that the “cultural assimilation” that we experience as foreigners in this earth is not meant to change us and condition us into believing this is home, on the contrary, it’s meant to be a tool to remind others that this is not their home. 1 Corinthians 9:20

We are all travelers on the pilgrimage of life. Our final destination is out of this world.  Don’t let your heart settle down.



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