Their clothes weren’t fireproof, but their faith was, and it saved them! King Nabuchodonosor couldn’t believe his eyes. He rubbed them once, rubbed them twice, got as close as the merciless flames allowed him to, and yelled: “Shadrach, Meshach, Abed-Nego, step out!”
The story of the three young men in the fiery furnace from Daniel 3 is an excellent example of faithfulness.
I don’t know about you, but whenever I hear “fireproof,” I think about something indestructible. And boy, did they have an unbreakable faith in God! Not even a death sentence made them waiver. For them, the trial came in the shape of an enormous gold statue they refused to worship. But for you, it might look different.
Faithfulness through thick and thin
Let me get personal with you for a minute. In my short stay on this earth, I have experienced heartache, lost friendships, and even had to switch jobs to step out of a situation where my principles were on the line. However, no matter how much uncertainty choosing to stick to my beliefs represented, I can tell you that God never left me alone through the process, just like He didn’t leave the three faithful men alone in the fiery furnace.
Each of those experiences has only strengthened my faith in God and brought me closer to Him. Hoping for the best in situations like these is normal. However, knowing that God won’t always proceed the way you want Him to and still be okay with it takes a lot of trust.
I’m not telling you that your next fiery furnace will be a piece of cake. But let me tell you something: the more you exercise your trust in God today, the better prepared you’ll be to exercise it tomorrow.
A matter of trust
If you want a fireproof faith like the three young men from Daniel 3, the key is trust. And if you want to strengthen your trust in God, the key is getting to know Him deeply. Because how can we trust someone we don’t know?
Start spending meaningful, quality time with God each day. The more you do it, the more you’ll see how, through the flames or the waters, He never leaves your side.