Ten virgins, three lessons Diez vírgenes, tres lecciones

Ten virgins, three lessons

The parable of the ten virgins from Matthew 25 is one I’ve always had a hard time with. Growing up, I used to feel bad for the five careless virgins (and to some degree identified). Because running out of oil in the middle of the night, away from home… I mean, it could happen to anyone… right?

As I’ve grown older, I’ve come to understand, however, that the five foolish virgins had the same time and opportunities as the other five and that it was ultimately their own choices that led them to the ending we know – Matthew 25:10

Which group do you want to be a part of?

This parable represents two groups at the end of time: Those who will be ready to meet Jesus and those who won’t. In which group do you want to see your loved ones? In which group do you see yourself?

Today, I want to share with you three timeless lessons from the parable of the ten virgins:

The time to get ready is now

As a third-generation Christian, I can tell you that I’ve heard about the second coming of Jesus ever since I can remember; so did my parents and grandparents. We could argue that we have plenty of time. I mean, it’s been two thousand years and nothing, right? But do we? Just like in the parable of the ten virgins, we don’t know the day or time Jesus is coming back for us. – Matthew 24:36 Aside from that, nothing about this life is guaranteed. Today we’re here, tomorrow who knows. It’s not a coincidence that you stumbled upon this today. Please don’t procrastinate! The time to get ready is now!

No one else can get ready for you

From the parable of the ten virgins, I learned that salvation is an individual matter with an individual process. A personal relationship with Jesus cannot be built through a third party. Are you getting personal with Jesus through Bible study and prayer today? – Matthew 6:6, Mark 6:31

Bible knowledge without the Holy Spirit gets you nowhere

In this parable, the lamp represents the word of God, and the oil represents the Holy Spirit. The ten foolish virgins at first sight did everything right. They dressed in festive garments and arrived on time with their lamps ablaze. However, they were missing one crucial element: extra oil for the waiting time. How’s the oil in your lamp? Is the Holy Spirit guiding your Bible study and prayer time? – Romans 8: 5

My desire for you today is that you prepare yourself every day through diligent Bible study and sincere prayer, letting the Holy Spirit dwell in you to keep your light ablaze.

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