free union

“The Fraud Of The Free Union Mentality and Why Jesus Ain’t About That Life”

Relationships can be very complicated. I’m not an expert on the topic, but I can relate. Girls, we all know that there is no perfect guy out there (as sad as this may sound).  And sorry gentlemen, but there is no perfect girl either.When a relationship becomes official it is expected that the next step after dating will be marriage. Sadly, marriage has been devalued. Instead of getting married, many have opted for cohabiting.

Most girls dream of a perfect wedding, walking down the aisle with a beautiful white dress while the love of their life waits for them at the altar.

But, what would happen if one day you fall in love with someone who doesn’t think it’s necessary to get married? After all, marriage is just a bunch of papers. It makes no difference, you would still be his “wife” and he will be your “husband” … does it really make a difference?

Would you be willing to lower your standards for the person you love?

Hold your thought for a second, let’s move out of the dating topic for a bit and talk about baptism.  Getting baptized is a very important step in the Christian walk. But, is there really a need to get baptized when God has already changed you? If  you have already changed for the better, then why do you need to get baptized? You have developed a unique relationship with God, you follow His commandments, and you go to church. So, why get baptized? right?

Wrong. We all need baptism. Here’s why:

“Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John” –Matthew 3:13-13

First and foremost, Jesus left us His example. Jesus didn’t need  to get baptized, but He did it anyways so that He could set the example for us.

Just like marriage, baptism is a public declaration. Baptism is the public declaration that we are God’s. It is when we are publicly declaring that we are leaving our past life behind, and accepting to be renewed in Him. We are telling the world that Jesus has touched our life and we are making a public commitment and a promise to God that we will exclusively follow and obey Him.

Now, do you think that God, the creator of heaven and earth, the One who gave you life, instituted marriage just because? No, He obviously had a purpose. He blessed it and because it is sanctified by Him we should give it the importance  and respect it deserves.

Ladies and gentlemen, give yourself the value that God has placed in you since the beginning. You deserve to be taken to the altar. You’re worth it. A relationship that doesn’t reflect the love of God for His church is not. Don’t lower standards.

” That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.” – Genesis 2:24

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