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The Secret To A Stress-Free Life

Last week I went for an early morning run. I enjoy running before the sun comes out because I get to spend time with the Lord. There are times when I can hear Him speaking to me through nature, and that day wasn’t the exception. I saw a flock of birds stop to rest on an electricity cable. As I contemplated the birds, I began to wonder: “what if our lives were as stress- free as theirs?”

And at that same moment God answered my question.

You see, a bird has the task to look for its own food. However, it does have an option to either go in search of food or not.

When the bird goes in search of food, the bird provides for its family and itself, and refuels with energy to keep alive and healthy for the next day.  However, if the bird were to choose to stay in its nest and not go looking for food, the bird and its family would inevitably face the consequences of starvation.

God also gave us two options. We can either choose to worry, or to trust.

“All the Israelites grumbled against Moses and Aaron, and the whole assembly said to them, “If only we had died in Egypt! Or in this wilderness! “

Numbers 14:2 NIV


Do these words sound familiar? Like the Israelites, we can choose to worry, complain about our problems, and even blame God for them. However, not only is this attitude detrimental to our health, but to those around us as well.  When we chose to act this way, all we do is waste precious time that could otherwise be better spent and enjoyed laughing with friends and family.

Or instead of letting stress take over us, we can choose to trust. We can place everything in the hands of God and know that He will provide at the right moment.

We can rest assured in the fact that even if He doesn’t open one door for us, He will open another one.  When we adopt this attitude, we enjoy life and live it to the fullest because we know that God has it all covered.

We all have a choice, what will you choose?

“You can be sure that God will take care of everything you need, his generosity exceeding even yours in the glory that pours from Jesus”   

– Philippians 4:19 MSG


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