
When Experience Gets In The Way

The first question they ask in a job interview is: “Do you have any experience?”

It seems as if experience is very important in most of the things we do. However, can having so many years of experience in a job or ministry guarantee success?

Many of us may answer this question with a “yes”, however, God has showed me throughout the years that experience doesn’t guarantee you anything.

During my college years I did some canvassing work to pay off school. We would go from house to house offering people health and spiritual literature at affordable prices, and the summer earnings  would go straight to our tuition.

I still remember the first day I signed up for it, I was so convinced that I could do something like canvassing work. I said to myself: “this is going to be so easy for me, first of all, I love talking to people. I’ve never been a shy person, so speaking up in public is no problem. Also, I have the ability to persuade people. Yup, I got it all covered”.

I had the experience, so nothing should have gone wrong. Right?

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Well, guess what? the moment our leader was about to drop us off in the first neighborhood I started to freak out. Yeah, me, the “know it all” suddenly started panicking.

That’s when I finally understood that experience was not enough.

I am eternally grateful to the Lord for bringing me to that Christian Canvassing program where I learned a very important lesson for my life.

It doesn’t matter how much knowledge or experience I may have, I will never be able to succeed if I don’t let the Spirit of the Lord work in me.

Don’t get me wrong, experience will definitely help you in many ways. But it can never overshadow the power of God in your life.

“I thought age should speak, And increased years should teach wisdom. But it is a spirit in man, And the breath of the Almighty gives them understanding.”

Job 32:7-8 NIV

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