yikes running away why me llamado

4 Reasons Why God Is Calling You To Do Something You Don’t Want

Is God calling you to do something you don’t really wanna do?  Have you been struggling for a while with the feeling that you are running away from that one thing God is asking you to do? If so, read on!

1. He wants you to Growgrow plant cactus pot comfort zone

Jeremiah 17: 8 says that God wants you to grow, keep growing, and then grow some more! And the best way to do that is to get out of your comfort zone.

He wants you to be like a tree that spreads its roots and whose leaves stay forever luscious and green.

Yes, even though seasons of drought.

2.He is the God of the impossible

Impossible cases are His specialty. If there is one thing God enjoys, is intervening in the life of His children and turning their “impossibles” into “possibles!”  – Jeremiah 32:17 .  Do you think that what He is calling you to do is something  completely outrageous? Think again 🙂

open letter to the world

3.He wants you to draw closer to Him

God wants you to depend on Him. Why? Because, when you depend on Him, you draw closer to Him, and the closer you get to Him, the better you understand Him.  God wants to be in the same wavelength as you are. – John 15:5

Did you ever consider  that maybe your calling is the way God has chosen to personally minister to you?

4. He wants your life to be an encouragement to others encouragement inspiration motivational

Living for oneself is not part of God’s personal philosophy and He expects us all to live by the same standard. Your life is not as private as you may think it is- even if you’re a quiet one. –2 Corinthians 3:2.

When we allow God to work in and through us, we become a living testimony of His endless love and power.

 “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.”

Isaiah 43:2

Is God calling you to do exactly that *one thing* you are running away from? If so, I’d like to encourage you my friend to quit running and give in to the next big thing God has in store for your life. You won’t regret it 😉



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