relationships breakup sad heartbroken pain

The Breakup

Relationships are God-given, we need them to survive.  We need relationships, with friends, colleagues, and family, because they  are part of our human nature.  Today I’d like to talk about romantic relationships.

I’m no expert in relationships but most of us have been there once and can speak a thing or two. Being in a romantic relationship feels good; you get to share so many things about each other! You meet each other’s families, learn to cope with each other’s moods and so many other wonderful things. Besides, having someone that cares for and loves you is a plus. Who wouldn’t like that?

Some relationships even last years! But what happens when all of that is shattered by a break up?

The hardest part of a relationship is splitting up. So many questions invade your mind… “Why God?”, “Why did you allow me to fall in love with this person? for nothing?”, “Was something wrong with me?” “Am I not worthy enough to be in a relationship?” and so on.

Let’s be honest, a break up is something hard to get over.  There are so many mixed emotions and feelings running through your head…hatred, revenge even! but also love- that doesn’t disappear from one day to the next-. Trying to get over someone can seem impossible. Because, that person will always mean something in your life.

Only God can heal your heart, help you forgive, and move on. He did that for me, I am sure He will do the same for you. His promises never fail.

love heal relationships

“But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,’ declares the LORD”

-Jeremiah 30:17 (NIV)

God here isn’t only talking about physical healing but also healing of the soul, and let me tell you something friend, He is great at it! God knows the desires of your heart, and He would never do anything to hurt you. He has a plan. Remember that “The LORD is near to the brokenhearted, and saves the crushed in spirit.”- Psalm 34:18

I know it seems rough right now, as if there is no one that will ever be able to take the place of that person, but believe me, God allows this pain to happen because He loves you so much. The heartbreak won’t last forever; it never does.

Those feelings will pass, He will direct you to the right person and when that moment comes, everything will make sense for you. Your happiness is right around the corner, He saved you for someone better. You’re worth it.

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