Burn Sin

Notes From The Burn Unit

We are scorched by the flame of sin. Young and old, big and little, rich and poor, man and woman, we are all patients on the burn unit of this world. It doesn’t matter who you are, the truth is, that you and me both have been scorched by the infamous flame of sin. We all have fallen short of the grace of God. (Rom. 3:23). This happened long before we were old enough to remember. It happened way before we were born, conceived or even thought of being conceived. The exact moment when it happened is recorded in Genesis chapter 3. Take a look 🙂

“Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned… “-Romans 5:12

The burns that Adam and Eve received were extremely profound and critical. These burns not only covered every inch of their soul, but of their children and their children’s children, and so on. Because of  our critical condition we are, since birth, patients of the burn unit in need of urgent treatment.

BUT! according to Romans 5:18-19 there is hope.

The treatment that burn patients receive in a hospital can be rather complex. However, there are five main components that are key to a successful burn treatment. These components are: fluid resuscitation, high calorie and protein diet, debridement, antibiotics, and pain medication. These five components are equally essential in the spiritual dimension.

1.Fluid resuscitation- (Prayer)

“Pray without ceasing”- 1 Thessalonians 5:17

When a patient has suffered extensive burns of second and third degree, fluid resuscitation is one of the first and most important lifesaving interventions that needs to be implemented. An IV (intravenous line) is hooked to these patients, and for the first 24-hours fluid is pushed at increased and controlled amounts into their veins.

Just as essential as the fluid resuscitation through IV is for a burn patient, so is prayer for us. Prayer is the precious intravenous fluid that keeps us from going into shock. As essential as being in constant connection to the IV fluid treatment for the burn patient is, so is being in constant connection with our heavenly Father through prayer for us.

2.High Calorie diet- (Study of the Bible)

“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path” -Psalm 119:105

Because the body is going through a healing and reconstructing process, the metabolic needs of a burn patient increase tremendously. This, is why patients on a burn unit are usually fed with high calorie, and high protein meals and shakes. The same goes for us.

Start your day by feasting on His love and wisdom through diligent study of His word. Snack frequently throughout the day on His promises to keep yourself going. Don’t go to bed with your stomach empty either, dine on the word of God before you call it a day.

3.Debridement- (Trials)

“And not only that, but we also boast in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.”  -Romans 5:3-5

For healing to actually take place on a burn patient, the dead tissue that covers the burn area must be removed. This is a very painful process; it’s called debridement. In order for our characters to grow new and healthy skin on them, we must submit to the painful process of debridement. The process that takes away the selfishness, the envy, the hate, and any other negative trait of character from us.

4.Antibiotics- (Faith)

“And without faith it is impossible to please God, for whoever would approach him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him” –Hebrews 11:6

Before a patient goes through the debridement process, the patient must receive antibiotics in order to avoid becoming infected as the dead tissue is being removed from their body. Without faith, it is easy to become infected with bitterness and anger towards God and everyone else when tragedy strikes.

Without faith, at the sight of hardship the heart hardens. Trials and tribulations only push us in the way we were already going. Faith, is what keeps us from getting infected when undergoing the process of debridement. It is faith that sustains the soul when nothing else of this world will.

5.Pain Medication- (Service)

“For you were called to freedom, brothers and sisters only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for self-indulgence, but through love become slaves to one another”-  Galatians 5:13

The best way to alleviate one’s own suffering is to do something in order to alleviate someone else’s suffering. Can you imagine how different this world would be if we all had this mindset? Besides antibiotics, the burn patient always receives pain medication before debridement in order to better prepare them to endure this painful process.

Someone who is self-centered will always have a harder time dealing with the trials of this life. However, someone who is too busy meeting the needs of others and serving people to the best of his or her ability will have very little time to dwell on their own problems. They are a cup that is never empty. On the contrary is overflowing. The more they give, the more they receive.

Do you want to get treated?

“Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me” – Psalm 51:10

Even though treatment for a burn patient is necessary in order to save his or her life, a patient is never forced to receive medical attention. Jesus, the divine Physician, (who by the way does not charge) will never force you to come to Him for treatment. He waits. Tender and hopeful, He waits. He yearns for the day when you decide to finally put yourself in His hands. He is waiting for the day you let him heal your burns.

The best part about His treatment? There will be no scars left.

What are you waiting for?



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