Choosing kindness

Choosing kindness

Kindness makes a difference. It made a difference for Naomi and Ruth and can also make a difference for you and everyone around you.

The situation for widows during their time was disadvantageous; after their husbands died, all they had was each other. When Naomi decided to return to her homeland, she told Ruth and Orpah, her daughters-in-law, to return to their families. But Ruth refused to leave her side. Naomi was now her family, and she would not leave her to fend for herself. Ruth’s kindness to her mother-in-law was later returned to her through Boaz’s kindness to both Ruth and Naomi. –Ruth 4

Here’s the remarkable thing about kindness: it tends to have a boomerang effect.

The power of kindness

According to science, individuals who practice kindness regularly experience a lower incidence of anxiety and depression and a higher sense of connectivity with others. Performing acts of kindness benefits not only those around you but also you.

When the feeling isn’t mutual

Being kind is easier when we receive kindness in return, but what happens when we don’t? This is where things get sticky, but not impossible. In Luke 6:27-28 Jesus said:

“But you who are listening I say: love your enemies. Do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.”

We are kind no matter what when we realize that the kindness God shows to us every day—no matter what—is not ours to keep but to share.

Being kind

It starts with the little things.  Kindness doesn’t require a grand gesture, just a little attention to detail. So, let’s not get stuck in the theory and start practicing!

 Here are seven ideas for a week-long kindness challenge:

Day 1: Compliment Someone

Give a genuine compliment to at least three different people today. It could be about their personality, skills, or appearance.

Day 2: Reach Out to an Old Friend

Contact someone you haven’t spoken to in a while. Send them a message or call to let them know you’re thinking of them.

Day 3: Help a Stranger

Perform a random act of kindness for a stranger. It could be holding the door open, helping someone carry their groceries, or paying for someone behind you at the store.

Day 4: Write a Thank You Note

Write a heartfelt thank you note to someone who has positively impacted your life. It could be a friend, family member, teacher, or coworker.

Day 5: Donate or Volunteer

Donate items you no longer need to charity or spend some time volunteering for a cause you care about.

Day 6: Support a Local Business

Visit a local shop or restaurant and leave a positive review online. Supporting small businesses is a great way to contribute to your community.

Day 7: Practice Self-Kindness

Treat yourself with the same kindness you’ve been giving others. Take some time to relax, do something you love or practice self-care.

Kindness is a fire that comes from God. When you let it flow through you, it spreads to others, bringing light and warmth to those around you.

Choose to be kind today; choose to be kind always.

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