
Glorifying God through your strengths and weaknesses

“What are your strengths and weaknesses?” I dread that question in an interview. “Strengths? You mean what I am good at? I had no idea I was even good at something!”

They say “you are your worst critic”, and I can attest to that, because I am.

 Describing my skills and talents, or just things I am good at in general is one of the most difficult tasks for me. I am not saying I’m not good at anything it’s just that, in my opinion, it can be quite challenging to list all the good things about oneself. It’s just something I personally often struggle with. And the reason for that, it seems, is because I can’t ever feel satisfied with the things I do.

Today, I might be writing to someone who struggles with the concept of perfection the same as me. Yes, I understand that due to sin we will never achieve perfection, at least in this life, but I also know that we serve a perfect God. A God that despite the sin that exists in this universe can still create a beautiful rose, magnificent creatures, and a wonderful, colorful sunset.

And if He can do that in nature, He can also do that in you and me.

“However, I’ve learned that all good qualities we could ever have are because of Him.”

I want to start changing the perception of perfection I have in my life.  Because of that, I’ve decided to make a list of my qualities, not to flaunt myself, but as a way to worship God. I want to never forget the fact that in the midst of all my flaws, His greatness and beauty can be reflected in me; and the same goes for you.

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us”

Ephesians 3:20

A great mistake of mine has been believing that any qualities I’ve ever developed are because of me. However, I’ve learned that all good qualities we could ever have are because of Him. I have also learned that not acknowledging our qualities is a way of belittling God, whereas developing them for His glory is a way of worshiping Him.

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