God has a sense of humor

God has a good sense of humor

Let’s be honest, many of us have our own concept of God. Maybe some of us see God as a serious, critical, solemn God. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that He is not a solemn God, but I have discovered another aspect of Him. Turns out, God has a good sense of humor. Although my statement might not be “Biblical” I can tell you that I have experienced His sense of humor in my life.

You know that friend who during sad or tense times throws a joke to lighten up the mood? (we all have at least one of those). Those friends are a blessing to have around. And yes, Jesus does that too. He somehow never fails to put a smile on my face during the most difficult times.

Last year was a very stressful year since I had a very important role at church. It required so much time and energy. It was a very stressful time. There was a week in particular when a lot of things went wrong. I was losing it. Then, suddenly, God threw a funny moment at me.

I had a dentist appointment, so I asked to leave work early. As I went into the office, the lady couldn’t find my name on the schedule for that day. “Well… that is strange!” we thought. So she looked me up on the patient’s list and guess what? My appointment was in two weeks. In two weeks! I was so embarrassed, I just had to laugh. The dental assistant and I had, in fact, a good laugh. Thank God they had a space with no patients that day and they were able to take me in.

Gladness and joy will overtake them, and sorrow and sighing will flee away.

Isaiah 35:10

In those moments of laughter and embarrassment I forgot about my problems. I forgot about the things that didn’t work out that week. I understood that God loves me so much that He wanted to put a smile on my face despite the struggles I was facing. This is just one experience, but I have so many! This is why I can share with you today God has a good sense of humor, He is not as serious as we think He is. He smiles at us, and He laughs with us. Our God is truly amazing!

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