news tv good journalist Bible sin happiness missery

Good news! This World is Ending…

Watching the news nowadays is like taking a dose of depression.

A couple of years back, I was working for a news station. It was the best job anyone can have. I really enjoyed it.

The one thing I didn’t really enjoy was that most of our stories were tragic. They were mostly about killings, crimes, and deaths.

Then I’d think to myself: “I wish there was a news station that just informed positive news”.

But it wasn’t all gloom and doom, we had a couple of stories that you’d enjoyed watching.

For example; we’d had someone saving a life, a group of kids helping the elderly, or families dedicating time to clean their town. 

 With our world becoming so bad there are rarely good news on tv.

You know what’s awesome about the Bible? Even though we read about tragic stories (that by the way, carry a lesson) we can also find good stories that give us hope.

Take Esther for instance, presenting herself before the king uninvited and having her life spared. Joseph, achieving an important position in the government of Egypt, or David, defeating Goliath.

positive news stories Bible Jesus

Light in a messenger’s eyes brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones. -Proverbs 15:30

Reading those stories makes my heart fill with joy knowing that God can bring success to my life. Reading that sin and wickedness are not forever and knowing that one day all bad news will disappear brings me hope.

Yes, I know the news keep us informed of what is going on around the world, I get it. However, we need to understand that in middle of all the evilness in this world, there is also hope and I believe the media hasn’t done a good job informing the amazing stories that are out there, about people that Jesus uses to touch the lives of others.

Positive news are important, because they give us hope and this is what this world needs most.

The best news is that one day we will be in a place where there will be no pain, sin will be gone, and there will only be happiness.

That makes me feel at peace.

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