
His favorite

“No, I don’t have favorites”. Lies ! We  all have favorites.  Favoritism applies almost to everything! Okay, let’s be real, it applies to everything. We have a favorite outfit, restaurant, place, and yes, favorite people too.

We tend to be bias in a certain way or another, it’s human nature. However, when we are not somebody’s favorite we tend to have an issue with it. That’s human nature too.

Kids at school can be cruel, and growing up can be a pain. For you to become somebody’s favorite you need to “work for it”. There are certain things you need to do, and certain steps to follow.  If you don’t do these things, making the cut to somebody’s list of favorites then, is out of the question.

It can sometimes take quite an effort to make people like you. Take politicians for instance. During elections, they at times recur to quite some ridiculous strategies in order to get votes from people. They want to be everybody’s “favorite candidate” no matter what.  Some win, others loose, that’s how it goes.

When you are not chosen, it is very easy to feel discouraged and overwhelmed. It’s only natural. Thinking that there is something wrong with you, and that changing who you are in order to be more like the person who was chosen is sometimes what we think is the better way to go.

The good news is that God doesn’t work like that. Do you imagine how it would be like to have to compete with the rest of the universe to win His favor? To become His favorite?

John chapter 15 verse 16 gives a glimpse into one of my favorite qualities of God.

As Jesus was getting ready to  face His mission on earth, He made sure to give His disciples some final instructions and words of encouragement.  Chapter 15 of John talks about the vine and the branches, how Jesus is the vine and we are the branches, and apart from Him, we can do nothing. In verse 16, Jesus specifically states to His disciples that He has chosen them.   

God does not favor some over others (Romans 2:11), we are all His’ favorites.’

God doesn’t  only choose the one who looks or sounds like the “most promising”.

He chose you before you were even born, because He believed in you before you were even born. God has chosen us, He has chosen you, what a privilege!

you did not choose Me, but I chose you”. Wow! I can’t imagine what I would do if I heard Jesus Himself telling me these words!

God isn’t a god of favorites. He created us even when He knew that we were going to fail him. How awesome is that?

Who loves like that?!

Pretending that we are somebody we are not,  or “working hard” to win God’s favor and get chosen by Him is not necessary, because He already did.  Truth is that there is nothing that we could ever do to alter the fact that we are God’s favorites.

You are God’s favorite, if you weren’t, do you think that sending His son to die for you would have even been an option? Of course not. You were chosen by Him before choosing Him was even an option for you, He chose you before you were born. He already made you his favorite; it’s your turn to make Him your favorite now.

You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you”- John 15:16

Make of God your favorite person. After all, you are already His 🙂

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