shopping, brand, Jesus

Keep Calm And Brand On

I will be honest. I’m a girl and I love shopping, just like many other women in this world do. Sorry, boys out there, who patiently wait on the girls for long hours. The reality is, that buying a product is not a decision that is taken lightly. For instance, once you go into a store there are so many brands with different textures, qualities, and of course, different tags (which come with different prices that we hate).

Many times, we may see a dress with a design and a color that we like. Then, we go into another store and find the same dress with the same design and color but with a different brand and at lower price. However, some of us will still go for the brand rather than the price tag. Brands are something that have become so crucial in today’s society. They describe our style, our fashion, and who we are.

But…is this true? The reality is that brands give us a sense of belonging. Brands describe to others what we want to portray. Things like: culture, ideologies, and language all of which are aspects of our personality. However, all of the things mentioned above are earthly. This, is how the world has taught us to live like.

Today, I want to show you a Brand which people rarely use. It’s not very common. It’s not found in stores. However, It is of the best quality. The best thing about It? It’s free.

 “Because the God who said, out of darkness light shall shine, is the One who shined in our hearts to illuminate the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not out of us.”—2 Corinthians 4:6-7

I’m not suggesting that you stop shopping, not at all.  What I am saying is, don’t buy a well-known brand just to show something that you’re not. Instead, get the Jesus brand today.  No ad will ever be able to promote this Brand as well as you. Let others see Christ in you. Show others Who you truly belong to.

– Zaid

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