Made of light Hechos de luz

Made of light

Have you ever met someone who seems to radiate light and kindness everywhere they go? We tend to label a person like this as someone with “good vibes” or a “luminous aura,” even as someone who “vibrates high.” Sound familiar?

Light in the Bible

Speaking of light, I was wondering what the Bible says about it. Turns out, it’s appears several times throughout the Bible!

The story of creation mentions light on the first day of the week. (Genesis 1:3). Also, in Exodus 34: 29, it says that after spending 40 days in the presence of God on Mount Sinai, Moses’ face was shining. The transfiguration of Jesus (Luke 9:29) mentions how His garments turned white and glistening as He prayed. Finally, in Revelation 21:23 it says that in the New Earth, there will be no sun because God will illuminate the city. And there are a lot more passages that mentioned light!

It doesn’t take much to conclude that God is light and that He illuminates the path of those who walk next to Him. (John 1:4) (John 8:12). As His children, we are called to be light (Matthew 5:14-16) and to spread light everywhere we go.

Shinning bright

If we, as Christians, are to preach about a God who is life, who brings healing and light into our lives, it only makes sense that we prioritize taking care of the life and body we have been entrusted with. So here I share with you 5 habits of someone who shines bright.

Sleeping wel

According to research, people who practice good sleeping habits(going to bed at least 3-2 hours before midnight) struggle less with their weight, are happier, more empathetic, and have a decreased chance of suffering from dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Eating well

Those who have a diet rich in good fats, vegetable proteins, healthy carbohydrates (unprocessed), and consume a minimal amount of sugar not only live longer but enjoy a better quality of life.

Working out

People who work out often (3-5x /week) tend to be more optimistic and relaxed because of dopamine and serotonin.

Keeping a tidy environment

Studies show that living in messy situations triggers cortisol. People living in messy environments were more prone to anger, stress and depression. Your space matters.

Guarding the avenues of the soul

If you are feeding your soul with negativity, you can’t expect to spread positivity; that doesn’t make much sense. The things you hear, read, and watch will inevitably alter your essence. Be mindful of the things you feed your spirit with. “A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit” – Matthew 7:18.

Do you want to shine brightly?

“You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness”

-1 Thessalonians 5:5

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