miracle at the airport part 2 milagro en el aeropuerto parte 2

Miracle at the airport Part 2

“Only a miracle is getting me out of this mess,” I thought as my heart began to race. I had never been held back in an airport’s back room, and the unfamiliarity and uncertainty of the outcome made me feel uneasy. Graduation was only a month away.

While I waited, I pulled some homework to work on. As I worked on my assignments, I praised God for all His goodness. Then, the stress turned into peace.

Four hours later

After listening to me and consulting her superiors, the back-room officer said: ” Welcome home,” and stamped my passport.

At this point, I had 29 minutes to get through security and to my gate before they closed. If I didn’t get on that last Miami-Texas flight for the day, I was getting stuck at the airport overnight.

When I got to the security line, my heart dropped. There was no way I was going to make it on time. After a long line and an eternity later, I made it to the other side of security. It was 9:26 pm.

My boarding gate was gate 48. I was at gate 26. I had 22 gates to dash through and only three minutes.  

Suddenly, I felt weak and nauseous; I remembered I hadn’t eaten lunch or dinner.

Then I heard my name: “Jasiel Ordonez, report to gate 48”.

I ran

After hearing my name called three more times, I heard: “Jasiel Ordóñez, this is your last call.”

“God, please help me.” I prayed.

Angels must have carried me because I flew.

When I got to my gate, the airport lady quickly checked my documents and let me in.

Breathless, I collapsed in my seat, and not a minute and a half passed before the plane took off.

That night, I experienced not one miracle, but two. First, I returned home safely, and second, God carried me through the airport to make it to my gate on time.


As pilgrims on this earth, it’s a relief to know that Jesus is coming back soon to end death, suffering, and pain. We are going home!

The plane has no passenger limit. Two thousand years ago, Jesus Himself paid the price for our tickets with His blood. Check-in requirement?  To believe.

Will you make it to your boarding gate on time?

“Look, I am coming soon!

Revelation 22:12

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