20/20 vision outlook perspective glasses perspectiva lentes

20/20 Vision

The first time I put on a pair of glasses I was 6 years old; and what a game changer that was! I was now able to see what my teacher wrote on the blackboardContinue reading

A tale of potatoes and broken hearts frustrated

A bag of potatoes and a broken heart

It was a beautiful warm tropical starry night. Incongruent with such lovely picture of paradise, however, was the thunderstorm inside my soul. For some reason I couldn’t pinpoint nor comprehend, my heart felt suffocated byContinue reading

getting through harship 101

Getting through hardship 101

If you are reading this today, chances are you are struggling with something. We all experience hardship at some point. Some of our problems are perhaps “small” compared to those of others, however, we allContinue reading