Rest and water Agua y descanso

Rest and water

I forgot my water bottle today at camp, so I was rushing out to register so I could come back and get it. It turns out that the process took longer than I thought it would. On top of that, it was a bright summer day, and my body resented it. I had never felt so thirsty before! Once I returned to my campsite, I ran to get a sip of water, it felt so amazing.

The thunderstorm  

Ironically, that same day, we had a thunderstorm that flooded several campsites. For a second, I wondered how crazy it is that the same thing that can save you from dying of thirst in the heat can also kill you, like when water becomes a tsunami, a hurricane, or even a flood. I concluded that anything in excess can damage us.

It’s easy to think that the more we do for God, the better; that’s how I felt for a very long time. But, does busyness praise God? I don’t feel it aligns with His character. He even gave us a day to rest because, for Him, rest is holy.

Are you taking time to rest?

So, that got me thinking: am I worshiping God with my busyness? Maybe there is a time to work and rest, and God is also pleased when we rest. Personally, that is a hard truth to swallow.

 I have several close friends who are nurses, and I keep hearing from them that rest “heals.” Isn’t it amazing that God even speaks to us through our bodies? Our bodies are restored when we sleep, and God wants us to heal. He delights when we work for His cause, but He also delights when He sees us take time to rest and allow Him to do incredible things in our bodies through it.

“Come to me, all weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. – Matthew 11:28

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