What’s the point of doing “missionary” work anyway? Before we were born this world was already in need. And after we die, the world will still be in need. You might be wondering if it’s is worth it. And the answer is yes, yes, it is. Because, if we are not here to utilize our God-given talents for the lifting up of humanity, then what are we here for?
Recently I had the opportunity to spend 2 months among the indigenous Miskito people of Nicaragua. Even though my time there was unexpectedly cut short due to the political situation the country faces at the moment, I still managed to learn a few things… I learned that the consequences of sin are real, that pain and suffering are real, and that war is real. All these things are very, very real.
They are as real as the armed conflicts going on in Nicaragua and the number of casualties that go up every day. As real Lualinda, the little girl who in spite of her tender age already carries a weight on her shoulders that shouldn’t belong to her, literally. You can actually often spot her purse in hand, baby brother on her back, barefooted walking to school with her little sister by her side…and as real as Lamberto. The little boy who really wants an education, yet struggles on a daily basis. After all, it is not easy to concentrate when you don’t have any shoes or clothes on.
But the great news is that Jesus and His second coming are also very real, and so is the day when sin along with its devastating consequences will be forever eradicated. Yes, the Miskito children of Tasba Raya are in great need. And yes, these kids need all the help they can get. However, Tasba Raya isn’t the only place in need. There is need everywhere. All you have to do is pay attention.
Jesus is coming back soon, and He is calling you, yes you to do everythin
g you can to reach out to others.
No, you don’t need to go to a foreign country in order to be a missionary. Your mission field is your family, your neighbors, your co-workers, your friends, the stranger at the super-market, the homeless person that sits on the corner across from your campus, and the impatient driver behind you. The need is everywhere!
However, if you do get the chance to go somewhere else, take it. Don’t let it go! Grab hold of the opportunity and give it your all. Getting out of your comfort zone is never easy. Sometimes you must even fight really hard so things like prejudice or fear don’t get in the way of your mission, but God is always with you.
Remember, it’s not about a trend, but about the mindset. The mindset that Jesus was hoping to instill in the minds of the disciples when He gave them the great commission in Matthew 28:16-20.
Thinking about going as a missionary or starting a ministry right there where you are at? Do it! Will you feel scared at times? Most likely. Just remember though, that neither Moses, Joshua, or Gideon ever felt confident in themselves before a battle. Because, had their confidence been found in themselves, they would have never been able to fulfill the mission they had been assigned with.
Go for it! No act of kindness is ever too little. Don’t be afraid to make a difference. Just remember that The One who sends you, will faithfully sustain you 🙂