The choleric spirit El espíritu colérico

The choleric spirit

Choleric is my secondary temperament. If this is one of your dominant temperaments, you’ll understand the intensity of the fire we walk around with. The need to always be productive and to pursue achievement after achievement consumes you. You thirst for justice and can’t stand the lack of it. Your drive and passion serve as your compass, and you often struggle to keep your mouth shut when something or someone triggers you. The fire inside of you can protect as much as it can destroy.  

I’ve spent a great deal of my life striving to keep that relentless flame inside of me contained. And boy, it has been a struggle! But that’s until I understood that God placed that fire inside of me for a reason and that all of my drive and passion could be used for His glory. It’s all about channeling in the right direction.

Surrendering your temperament

Having a choleric spirit is a gift, but like all gifts, it must be surrendered to Jesus. Take the apostle Paul for instance. His transformation shows us that when a choleric submits their drive, passion, and leadership to God, they become unstoppable forces for the Kingdom. Paul’s strong choleric thirst for justice did a whole 180 degree shift after having a personal encounter with Jesus. He went from persecuting Christians, to becoming an advocate for the Gentiles, standing firm against those who tried to impose unnecessary burdens on them- Galatians 2:4-5. That’s the transformative power of the Holy Spirit! His purpose will never be to rip you off your essence but to channel it for good.

Keeping your relationship with Jesus engaging

Cholerics are very action oriented. Because of that, they tend to be at risk of becoming burned out when seeking to serve Jesus or maintain the relationship alive. Sometimes, they even neglect their family and loved ones in the process. This is very dangerous. While being involved in the organization and carrying out outreach projects can feel fulfilling for the choleric, it is also essential to seek a balance between activity, rest, quiet alone time with Jesus, and quality time with family and friends. Remember, it’s perfect to keep Jesus as your primary focus and strive to do things for Him, but ministering to the relationships God has entrusted to you is also part of your mission.

Ministry ideas for the choleric

  • Discipleship & Mentorship: Guiding new believers and helping them grow in their faith.
  • Church Administration & Organization: Handling logistics for church events and mission trips.
  • Advocacy & Social Justice Ministries: Speaking up for biblical justice in areas like missions, outreach, and community service.

Opportunities for growth

Cholerics are known for being blunt and direct, which can sometimes come across as harsh. Paul himself had moments of strong confrontation with others, such as when he rebuked Peter (Galatians 2:11-14) or had a sharp disagreement with Barnabas over John Mark (Acts 15:36-40). While truth is essential, how we express it matters.

To cultivate Christlike communication, the choleric spirit can:

  • Practice active listening before responding (James 1:19).
  • Speak with gentleness, even when correcting others (Proverbs 15:1).
  • Rely on the Holy Spirit to temper their words with love (Ephesians 4:29).

The strength and determination of your choleric spirit is a gift! Use it for the Kingdom!

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