The phlegmatic soul El Alma flemática

The phlegmatic soul

Are you a phlegmatic, or do you have a phlegmatic in your life? The phlegmatic temperament is personally one of my favorites. Some of the most important people in my life have phlegmatic as one of their dominant temperaments. They are the peace during the panic and the calm after the storm. As much as I love and admire them, however, I’ve got to admit that sometimes they drive my impatient self crazy. Nevertheless, despite their out-of-the-spotlight nature, I can’t imagine life or the world functioning without them.

Unlike the sanguine, who thrives on excitement, or the choleric, who charges ahead, the phlegmatic walks through life with a calm and unshaken spirit. They are the peacemakers, the quiet encouragers, and the steady hands in times of chaos. They are God’s gift to this crazy world! If you are a phlegmatic reading this, I want you to know that you are truly special.

Playing on your strengths

Phlegmatic souls possess excellent listening skills, which make them a safe place for others. Their unwavering loyalty builds deep and lasting relationships. They are content in simplicity, finding joy in small, everyday moments. Like a still body of water reflecting the sky, their presence brings peace to those around them.

A good example of the phlegmatic temperament in the Bible is Barnabas. When Paul, once a persecutor of Christians, was met with skepticism by the early church, Barnabas was the one who vouched for him (Acts 9:26-27). He was a bridge-builder, a supporter, and a quiet but powerful force in the spread of the Gospel.

Strengthening your relationship with Jesus

Engage in active prayer: Instead of passive reflection, try structured prayer times, journaling, or interceding for others.

Set intentional spiritual goals: Avoid complacency by setting goals for Bible study, prayer, and personal growth.

Join accountability groups: Being part of a small group can help maintain motivation and spiritual discipline.

Ministry ideas for the phlegmatic

Intercessory Prayer Team: Supporting others through faithful, consistent prayer.

Missions & Outreach Support: Helping with planning, organization, and encouragement of missionaries and outreach teams.

Mentorship & Discipleship: Guiding new believers in their faith journey with patience and wisdom.

Opportunities for growth

Your phlegmatic desire for peace can sometimes lead to passivity. With this temperament, you may avoid confrontation at all costs, even when the truth needs to be spoken. Your easygoing nature can cause you to settle for comfort instead of stepping out in bold faith. While excellent at supporting others, you may struggle with personal motivation and taking initiative in your calling.

When God calls you out of your comfort zone, remember that your strength is not in your abilities but in the One who sent you.

Dear phlegmatic

Your quiet strength reflects the Prince of Peace. Keep walking in His love and let Him lead you into the fullness of His purpose for you.

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.”Matthew 5:9

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