If you are a sanguine, you know you light up every room you walk into. You tend to crave the company of others and thrive on excitement and new experiences. Jesus made you this way! You are a walking testimony of His love and joy!
But sometimes, your sanguine, fast-paced, social self can find it challenging to slow down and spend deep, quiet moments with Jesus. You tend to get easily distracted by the buzz and noise around you. Have you ever found staying focused and consistent in your prayer and devotional life challenging? Don’t fret! I’ve got great news: Jesus meets you where you are!
Peter the apostle is a great example of a sanguine temperament. He was bold, outspoken, and enthusiastic. No wonder he didn’t think twice before jumping out of the boat to meet Jesus walking on the water. – Matthew 14:28-29
He was the first one to speak up every time and also the first one to unsheathe his sword! Despite his shortcomings, Jesus saw his potential, shaping him into a vessel for His glory. Do you identify with Peter? Today, I’d like to share some valuable tips for your walk with God.
Keeping your relationship with Jesus fun and interesting
Worship Through Movement: Go on a prayer walk or have a gratitude session with Jesus as you work out to your favorite Christian music.
Engage in Group Study: Find or host a Bible study with friends to discuss and process your faith in an encouraging community.
Make Prayer Conversational: Talk to Jesus throughout your day, just as you would a close friend. Keep it light, natural, and heartfelt.
Serve with Joy: Use your gift of enthusiasm to encourage others—volunteer, mentor, or simply bring joy to those around you.
Use your creativity: Try a creative devotional journal with doodles, colors, and expressive notes to keep your time with God fun and engaging.
Ministry ideas for the sanguine
- Get involved in the hospitality or welcoming team at your congregation.
- Become active in your church’s youth or children’s ministry. Whichever you prefer! Your outstanding and natural social skills make you perfect for it!
- Use your social media platforms to share Jesus. Speaking up unabashedly is your thing; own it!
Your sanguine temperament is a gift from Jesus; place it in His hands and watch all the wonderful things He will do in your life and the lives of others! If anyone is the light and the salt of this earth, that’s you, don’t forget it!
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