The importance of listening La importancia de escuchar

The importance of listening

The simple act of listening could have spared me from an earth, swallow me up moment I’ll never forget. I had many errands to run that day, and on top of my to-do list was passing by the ATM. When I introduced my card and put in my pin, the machine beeped, and a message popped on the screen: “Unable to read.” So, I took it out and introduced it again. But no luck on the second time… or the third, fourth, or fifth.

I was running out of time and patience, so I hurried inside the bank, upset and ready to tell the bank people that their ATM was not working. With my card and wallet in hand, I approached the bank lady in customer service and said: “Excuse me, ma’am, your machine outside isn’t working.”

She immediately stopped what she was doing, looked up, and, with a kind smile, asked: “are you sure you are using the right card?”  The nerve of this lady!  I thought… of course, I was using the right card! So, I took a deep breath and replied in the most relaxed possible way that my impatience allowed: “Yes!  Of course, I’m using the right card! look!” I said, extending my arm and showing her the card.

Then I went on an exaggerated rant for a good five minutes about how I had been trying outside for the longest time, having put in the correct pin and everything to no avail. The bank lady just sat there and listened with patience.

Midway through my rant

I glanced over at the card I was showing her and realized that it was, in fact, the wrong card. I just had another card for another bank that was the same color.

Abruptly stopping my arguments, I glanced at the lady, then again at the card, and smiled at her with embarrassment. She smiled back, amused. I turned around and walked out in silence. I returned to the ATM, put in the right card, and pulled out the money without a problem this time.

I was so focused on proving my point that I left listening out of the picture. Has that happened to you before?

The Bible encourages us to be quick to listen, slow to speak, and to become angry.

Are you having trouble communicating or connecting in your interpersonal relationships? Is your prayer time more like a grocery list than a conversation with God? Maybe it’s time to give the habit of listening a serious try and see how your relationships with God and others flourish!

 My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry”-James 1:19

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