It's all about the balance Todo está en el balance

It’s all about the balance

Learning how to keep my balance on the bike at five years old looked like perpetually scraped knees and a lot of anger and frustration. But then one day it stopped looking like that. Not because I gave up, but because my grandpa stepped in. He must have found me on a hot summer afternoon outside the house with bleeding knees, pulling at my hair, yelling at the ground, and tossing my bike angrily against a wall. I mean I was five, I’m pretty sure it went something like that. What he did next, however, is something that I’ll never forget.

With all the inner peace that I was lacking, he said: “I’ll teach you how to ride a bike without you scraping your knees ever again. Don’t worry, you’ll learn in no time, you’ll see!”

He took away the pedals, and in a couple of weeks I was ready for him to put them back on. There were no more scrapped knees, anger, or frustration in the bicycling department.

As young adults, keeping the balance with everything that goes on in life can be challenging. Work, study, relationships, family, friends, hobbies, healthy eating, exercising, getting enough rest, staying hydrated! A twenty-four-hour day doesn’t seem to be enough for everything that requires our attention and dedication.

And this is when priorities come into play

Wanting to do a lot of things and accomplish everything is not a bad thing. It can turn into a bad thing, however, when your well-being is at stake. Are you not eating or sleeping properly? Is your emotional state starting to affect your relationship with God, self, or others? You could say then that your well-being is at stake.

If you are feeling overwhelmed lately by all the things on your to-do list…

Perhaps it’s time to re-evaluate your priorities and identify your current “pedals.”

Taking away the pedals of your bicycle if only for a moment might be just what you need to have the mindset and the energy to master the balance thing. Before you know it, you’ll be ready to put them back on.

Remember, however, to keep God as number one in everything you do or plan, and things will fall into place in due time.

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. -Matthew 6:33

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