The value of a promise El valor de una promesa

The value of a promise

What value does a promise hold for you? When you get married, you vow before God to be there for your spouse no matter what. Never in a million years would I have guessed that my husband and I would be tested on the part that says: “in sickness” the minute we got home from our honeymoon. Thank God it wasn’t during!

What I thought would be a memorable first week at home together as a family turned out to be a near-death experience because of a week-long fever. I’m pretty sure it probably wasn’t a near-death experience per se, but to me, it sure felt like it. I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t drink, I couldn’t do anything. When did I last have a long, intense, and persistent fever like that? I couldn’t remember. Even while sick with Covid-19 a few years back, I was spared the feverish nightmare! 

On the fifth day of agony…

My loving husband, who had been on top of his job, things at home, our dog, and my needs, finally convinced me to let him take me to the doctor. I’ll never forget and forever admire his attention and dedication to everything he put his hands to during those critical days when he carried the full responsibility of our home on his shoulders.

In the Bible, marriage illustrates God’s selfless and unending love for his people. When Jesus gave the great commission to his disciples, He made a promise to them. He promised to be with them every day until the end of the world. Matthew 28:20

Even during the long and dreadful dark ages, God was there. When the lack of knowledge of God and His word was the norm, and humanity was rotten to the core with sin, God was there. ¡He has always been with us!

God’s promise to be with us breaks through the barrier of sin and transcends into eternity. He promises not only to come back for us and end the virus of sin forever (Matthew 24:44) but also that after sin is eradicated, wherever He is, we will be with Him. He’s never stepping away from our side!

Just like His love for us, God’s promises don’t come with an expiration date.

Isn’t that amazing?

 …I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also – John 14:3

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