A God who multiplies Un Dios que multiplica

A God who multiplies

God is a God who multiplies. If you ever worry about your faith being too little, guess what? In the hands of the Master, a tiny grain of mustard goes a long way.  Do you feel like you have scarce to no talents?  In the hands of God, they multiply! Nothing is ever too tiny or insignificant when put in the hands of God because He is a God who multiplies!

Here are three lessons from the story of the five loaves of bread and two fishes that I would like to share with you today:

Jesus delights in multiplying

He enjoys turning little into much! No matter how meager your resources are, miracles occur when you present them to Jesus! –John 6:9

Jesus is concerned about your needs and the needs of others

After a long day of preaching, Jesus was aware that the crowd was hungry. They had no food and no nearby source to obtain it. Those who had gathered for spiritual nourishment now needed physical sustenance. Practical Christianity is not just about preaching; it also involves meeting the physical needs of others within our means. Loving others as Jesus did means actively seeking out the hungry, the thirsty, and the needy, even when we doubt our ability to make a difference. –John 6:11

When Jesus multiplies, He multiplies!  

After feeding a multitude of five thousand with the lunch of a faithful youngster, there were still twelve full baskets of food left. Everyone ate until they were satisfied, and there were still twelve baskets left! When God blesses, He blesses abundantly. –John 6:13

 If you’ve felt the desire to do something for Jesus or something for someone but held back because you’ve felt that your resources or talents wouldn’t make a difference, this is your sign to trust who you are and what you have in the hands of the Master.

Always remember this: God is a God who multiplies!

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