oil widow woman vessels aceite viuda fe diligencia

When your oil overflows

A pot of oil was all she had. Making ends meet after her husband’s death had been a struggle, but she had managed. Nevertheless, she was barely surviving, when the sinister fingers of a pending debt snatched her peace away. And now she was going to lose her sons because of it.

The story of the widow in 2 Kings 4 is a story that exemplifies the meaning of faith into action.

When Elisha tells the widow to send her sons to gather their neighbors’ pots, they go. They don’t question the process. Instead, they present to God what they have and spring into action without hesitation.  2 Kings 4:5

This is when the miracle happens.

The widow fills one of the pots with her oil; then she fills the second, the third, the fourth, and so on. They fill all the pots they have at home and they fill their neighbors’ too. And when no more pots can be filled, her own pot of oil runs out.

And then, she is called to act, once again by faith, but this time with her faith strengthened. She and her sons sell the oil, and they become debt-free.

If you find yourself today in a similar situation as the widow, know that her God is the same as your God, and He is able.  

Here are some insights from the widow’s story that can help us navigate through a similar situation.

  • Identify your oil.

The window was called to identify the things she had at hand to work with 2 Kings 4:2 What’s your “oil”? Is it a computer? a car? a camera? are you a great cook? do you have excellent people or communication skills?

  • Identify your community.

The widow’s sons went to their neighbors to gather pots to put the overflowing oil in.

  • Identify opportunity.

They sell the oil and pay their debt.

  • Obey the voice of God, even when it doesn’t make sense.

When He says go, speak, ask, gather, sell, be diligent do it. Without questions, without hesitations, just act, and watch miracles happen.

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