I was sleepy but couldn’t fall asleep. My eyes were heavy, but my heart was even heavier. Although I had spent countless sleepless nights out there in those fields, something about that specific night felt different. I just couldn’t put my finger on it.
The other shepherds were gathered around the fire. They engaged in a passionate discussion about prophecy and the birth of a Savior. I had listened for a while, even prayed with them for the soon coming of the Messiah. But the restlessness inside, didn’t seem to subside.
I had grown up hearing about these things at home, and even though I believed, I am ashamed to admit, I didn’t believe it enough. Part of me was hopeless. My heart felt divided.
Why you ask?
Society was twisted beyond repair, it seemed. It was hard to keep on believing amid so much darkness. Evil had escalated to astronomical proportions. And I felt tired. Tired of the injustice, tired of the hatred. I was tired of death. Tired of all the sin out there and all the sin within.
Humanity needed a Messiah, that was a fact. And I was in dire need of a Savior, no doubt. But why hadn’t He come yet? It was time! Prophecies had been fulfilled! Had He forgotten about us? Had He changed His mind?
Nevertheless, I clung to the last piece of hope inside.
God, are you there? I don’t know how much more of this wait I can take…
Suddenly, from behind us, a dim light shone across. At first, I thought it was perhaps another group of shepherds passing by. But then, the light intensified and a voice, deeper than any voice I’ve ever heard before said:
“Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.”
Followed by that, a multitude of heavenly voices sang in unison:
“Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, good will toward men”
After that it was hard to not be in shock! Without delay, we made our way to the city of Bethlehem. We had to find Him! So we ran through the hills telling other shepherds along the way: “Behold, the Messiah is born!”
I couldn’t contain my excitement!
Dawn was barely starting to break by the time we found Him. It was evident that both parents had also spent a sleepless night, but with kind faces they received us.
There He was, just as the angel had said. Wrapped in clothes, in a manger.
Humbled to the core, falling to my knees, and gasping for air; I opened my mouth, but couldn’t say anything. Our Savior was born, I was in the presence of The King. My eyes had seen The Messiah.
The promise had been fulfilled. And I had been there to witness it.
It was a sleepless night all right, but it sure was the best one of my life!
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