compass control


Have you ever felt like you have no control of your life? Not knowing which path to take or how things will turn out?

I can relate to this feeling because I did canvass work for a few years when I was a student. Our program was designed to promote a healthy lifestyle and hope for communities. Based on a donation our books were sold to help with our education.

Every day was a challenge. We didn’t know in what type of neighborhood we would be located: wealthy, low-income, safe or unsafe. Plus, we never knew who would open the door we were knocking. In other words, we had no control over anything; and that’s when our faith kicked in. We just knew that God would guide us and lead us to the right people. And He did.

The world right now can feel like an unsafe place. And I must admit that I sometimes feel the same way I did when I was a canvasser; even though I don’t canvass anymore.

The word is “fear”. I feel afraid of the unknown.

The fear of leaving your own home and not knowing when all of this will end. Waking up each day not knowing if it will be your last day with a job. Being reminded by your supervisor that if things continue to go on as they have, your hours might get cut. 

Yes, I still get the same feeling every now and then that I did every time I knocked on my first door of the day.

But then I go back to the Bible and I am reminded of God’s promises.

“And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age”

Matthew 28:20

Was Abraham afraid to give his son as a sacrifice? Yes, he was. Did peter walk on water knowing it all? No, he didn’t. Did Joseph understand God’s plan as he was being taken to a strange land? No, he did not.

However, they all had faith; and that my friends is what will make the difference in our life. I don’t know what tomorrow might hold for us, but I know that God will be there by our side. 

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