Category: Uncategorized

man's hand with question mark over a green background dealing with the uncertain

Dealing with the uncertain

Life is uncertain. Depending on temperament and personality, some struggle with uncertainty more than others. We can feel uncertain about the future, about our health or about a social issue. We can feel uncertain aboutContinue reading

cicatriz quemadura cicatrices fuego quemadura advertencia mandamientos herida fire burns scar sin grace consequences


“¡No te acerques a la estufa!” fueron las palabras de mi madre. Apenas escuché su advertencia, corrí hacia la estufa y presioné mi brazo derecho contra el vidrio caliente de la puerta del horno. GritandoContinue reading

Nicaragua kids

See you later, Nicaragua

What’s the point of doing “missionary” work anyway?  Before we were born this world was already in need. And after we die, the world will still be in need. You might be wondering if it’sContinue reading

amor verdadero

The Anatomy Of True Love

Love is the most misunderstood concept of all times.  It’s a force that “entices, intrigues, and mesmerizes” all at once. It gives you everything yet takes everything from you at the same time. And, asContinue reading