Choose goals life new year

8 Ways To Take Your 2018 To A New Level

We have been given once again a brand-new book with 365 blank pages to write on. How we choose to decorate our pages is an opportunity that will be made anew with every sunset and sunrise of this year. Every day is a chance to become the best version of yourself.

As we dip our toes into this new year, it is my wish that you may keep these 8 things in mind so that you can make the most of it .     🙂

  1. Avoid routine, you’ll be glad you did

It can be easy to fall into rouRoutine tine. It can even be comforting at first.  However, routine is dangerous. It kills the spirit, and it takes a toll on relationships.

Just because order is the first law of heaven doesn’t mean that routine is the second.   Stir clear from routine. Don’t let it in your spiritual life.  Dare to engage in an exciting life of prayer. One book that I truly enjoyed reading, benefited my prayer life, and would like to recommend to you is called The prayer of Jabez by Bruce Wilkinson. Check it out .   🙂

  1. Choose to forgive and let go

We all make mistakes, and we all like to be forgiven. Am I right?  The Lord’s prayer in Matthew 6:9-13 alludes to forgiveness in the second to last verse, where it says: “And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors” – Matthew 6:12. But hey, had you noticed that the two following verses after The Lord’s prayer are dedicated to the topic of forgiveness?

Coincidence? Not really. You see, forgiveness is such an important aspect to Christian life that it had to be reiterated for us more than once in verses 14 and 15. Take a look ;).  Because, how can we ever understand Love (God) if we don’t understand forgiveness?  And how can we ever truly accept into our hearts Someone whom we do not understand?

Forgive let go

Since we cannot give something we ourselves do not have, forgiveness needs to start with ourselves. That’s right, forgive yourself before you can forgive others!

  1. Close your door on negativity and anything that looks like it, sounds like it, and smells like it


It is as wrong to entertain negative thoughts as it is to act upon them.

Romans 8:28 says that in all things God works for the good of those who love him and who have been called according to His purpose.

When the Bible says everything, that is exactly what it is trying to say, everything.  We are not omnipresent, omnisapient, or omnipotent; so, whether we want it or not, our view of things is somehow limited in one way or another. Just remember that when things don’t seem to be what we would like them to be, according to the Bible, at the end of the day it all works for our good.

Remember also, that you were created to win at life and for nothing less than the very best.  So, surround yourself with those who shine encouragement and optimism into your life, and choose to do the same for others.

4. Cut ties with worry 

               Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” – Matthew 6:34Carefree happy

As simple as that. Learn to let go of the whys and what ifs. You will be much happier for that.  You were not just thrown into this life to figure things out on your own. If that’s how you’ve felt all your life, now it’s time to stop that line of thinking. Because, the truth is that you were carefully placed into this world for a purpose. Carefully placed and watched over by a God who knows the exact number of hairs on your head (Luke 12:17) and keeps each and all of your tears in a bottle (Psalm 56:8).

Worrying about the future? Forget that, God’s got your back.

  1. Don’t let fear take over

    brave no fear

 Life is full of challenges, mountains to climb, and races to win.  Because, where there is no struggle, there is no effort, where there is no effort there is no growth, and where there is no growth, there is no life.   Don’t let fear get the best from you.

Choose to make of this a year, a year of facing your fears. Believe me, you will be much more satisfied with life and with yourself by this time next year if you do so.  So, take on that leadership position at church, get to know your neighbors, go on that mission trip, share the love of Jesus with someone. Dare to be different. Tomorrow is never promised. The time to give your all is now.

  1. Invest in yourself

healthy learning

Your body is a temple (1 Corinthians 6:19) so treat it as such.  Take care of yourself.

Mark 12:31 Commands us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. And, I don’t know about you, but I would rather be loved with a genuine, full, well-rounded love than with a mediocre sorry excuse for love.  Love yourself, and love others as Jesus loves you. Let your love be without dissimulation (Romans 12:9)

Read, learn, take music lessons, seek to enhance your talents. The better prepared you are, the better the service you can provide for God and for others.

  1. Offer only your best

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. –Colossians 3:23-24


success excellence

Make of excellence a habit. It will take only take you to the right places.

  1. Strive for an intimate relationship with Jesus

Jesus relationship

And last, but not least, above anything, strive to get closer and closer to Jesus each day. Because, really, none of the other seven things matter much if number eight isn’t your number one.

My your daily prayer resemble that of King David’s:

“My soul follows hard after You, your right hand upholds me”

-Psalm 63:8



Get out there and choose to live boldly for Jesus.  An adventure with Him is so much more worth it than an adventure on your own 😉










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