cacti obsession spikes sin cactus

Cacti obsession

We all have that one thing we love, for me it’s cacti. I’m obsessed! I love how they look, how they taste (yes, I eat cacti, don’t worry, without the spikes), and how they grow. If you are not good with plants, get a cactus! 

They are the easiest plant to take care of and they are beautiful. What I like the most about cacti is that they always teach me a lesson. And even though I love them, they have this thing about them… their spikes. I always must be extra careful when I get close to them. I have gotten pocked a few times before!

To be honest, I can relate to a cactus in so many ways, maybe that is why I love them so much. Through bad experiences, heartbreak, and betrayal, I have developed spikes.  As I am sure anyone else going through those would have. Oftentimes, when someone tries to get close, I injure them, just like a cactus. I am sure cacti did not have spikes in the first place. However, spikes are now here because of sin. Cacti have them, and so do we!

“Be kind to one another, tender hearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:32 

Sometimes, the wrong others do to us stay with us, and we carry it to others, and we end up hurting more people around us. Another amazing lesson I learned about these incredible plants is that despite  the hostile environment they grow in, they can still bear fruit. If you haven’t had the opportunity to taste the cactus pear, please, go searching for one. The cactus fruit is the most juicy, delicious fruit there is, one of my favorites! Despite the hurt and all the pain we’ve been through, the many flaws that we may have, and the bad environment we grew up in, we can still bear fruit. 

“I am the vine; you are the branches. He who abides in Me and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. – John 15: 5-8

That is the most amazing thing about God. He uses people full of mistakes to accomplish great things. Ask God what fruit you can bear for Him and He will give you the most delicious fruit even amid trial. 

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