won't cross the Jordan

You won’t cross the Jordan

He worked so hard to deliver the Israelites, he even gave up his life as an Egyptian prince along with all the pleasures that came with. And then, God tells him: “You won’t cross the Jordan”?  In what world does this make any sense? How is this fair? The person that gave the most is not receiving what he worked so hard for. 

This story always blows my mind. And this morning, as I was reading it from the Bible it really spoke to me.

Moses asked God to let him cross the Jordan, but God’s answer was: “NO”. What a bummer! I would be so disappointed, all my hard work for nothing! 

The most difficult part of the Christian life is understanding God’s desires for our life, because 99% of the time they don’t make sense. But the story doesn’t end there, not only would Moses not be able to enter Canaan… he would also die. 

Doesn’t it seem like things keep getting worse and worse for Moses? It’s like… “God, do you hate Moses?! “

Have you ever felt like this? I have. Like you have worked so hard for something, and when you believe your moment comes, Gods answer is ” No” He says: “You won’t cross the Jordan”. Then you keep I sis I got and telling God:  “This is the moment it has to be” But still, the answer is “No” and the harder you try, the worse it gets, it almost seems like God has it “against you.” 

“I have let you see it with your eyes, but you will not cross over into it. “ Deuteronomy 34:4 

Moses’ story doesn’t end there, thankfully! 

He dies… I know, terrible, right?! It’s like watching a movie with ha bad ending. However, the story continues. After he dies God resurrects him and takes him to heaven. Mind- blowing! Well… God should have said that since the beginning! But God doesn’t work like that. He knows that by not revealing certain things to us He makes us grow in faith.

I am sure Moses must have at some point felt confused as to why God was dealing with him like this; but he still trusted God and boy was his reward better than what he expected! His mind was in Canaan, which was great, but the earthly one which was still a sinful place.

God’s plans are always better than ours. We can’t even fathom the great things He has for our lives. Right now, things may seem terrible. You may have imagined your today a certain way and it is just not working out for you. And you wonder why. Why are those other people making it and I am not? Why is God treating me so badly? It’s hard to understand every “ NO” from God but trust that at the end of the day, No one desires the best for you more than God.

Your heaven is coming soon, sometimes we just must die to certain things in our life to receive our reward. Press on and keep trusting God’s timing. You won’t be disappointed.

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