the day my idols turned against me idolatry sin obsession

The day my idols turned against me

I was not sleeping enough, eating well, or enjoying life as any healthy and happy person should be. Instead, I was consumed by an obsessive, competitive spirit; the fear of failure, and a never quenchingContinue reading

the sin of busyness time management priorities

The Sin of Busyness

There are moments when we may become trapped in a sin and not even be aware it of. However, when you allow God to speak to you, He can help you open your eyes. SeveralContinue reading

fugitives road to heaven criminals outcasts unfit

Fugitives on the Road to Heaven

When I hear the term “fugitive”, two words automatically come to my mind: dangerous criminal. I think it’s interesting that the Bible is full of fugitives from beginning to end. Take Moses, David, and JacobContinue reading

compass control


Have you ever felt like you have no control of your life? Not knowing which path to take or how things will turn out? I can relate to this feeling because I did canvass workContinue reading

making decisions repercussions choices


From the moment we wake up to the moment we go to bed we are constantly making decisions. Throughout our lifetime we make multiple decisions; from the clothes we wear to the career we pursue.Continue reading

cicatriz quemadura cicatrices fuego quemadura advertencia mandamientos herida fire burns scar sin grace consequences


“Don’t get close to the stove!” were my mother’s words. As soon as I heard my mother’s warning, I ran toward the stove and pressed my right arm against the hot oven glass door. ScreamingContinue reading

dirty muddy creation sucia lodosa

Dirty Hands

I loved my childhood, I lived it to the fullest. Some of my best memories are about getting dirty with mud. Yes, I was that type of kid. I loved being outside! Most of theContinue reading

peace fear faith

Talk courage, not fear

Fear is a feeling that has existed ever since sin entered this world. It is something so powerful that it can even paralyze us. Of course, we all react differently to fear. I don’t recallContinue reading